2025 Meeting Schedules

For the Executive Committee and Governance Committee

CommitteeMeeting Schedule
Community PartnerThird Wednesday of the month from 12:00-1:30 PM 
Governance CommitteeThird Wednesday of the month from 12:00-1:30 PM 
Executive CommitteeEvery first Friday of the month from 9:00-10:30 AM
Parent Catalyst Leadership GroupThird Saturday of the month from 10:00-11:30 AM

2025 CMHC Governance Committee Voting Roster & Role Description

NamePartner Entity
1. Dale, Pat (CMHC Co-Chair) *
1. Hickey, Meghan (MPS)
A. Sander, Mark (MPS/ Hennepin County)
Minneapolis Schools
1. Messenger, Julia
Anoka-Hennepin School District
1. McLuen, Laura*
A. MacDonald, Brenna
District 287
A. Fagerland, Hope
St. Anthony/New Brighton School District
1. Mitchler, Ph.D., Jenna*
A. Coyne, Molly
Suburban Schools – Bloomington
1. Nelson, Jody (Change Inc)
A. Gammage, KC (Change Inc)
1. Jensen, Ph.D. LP Aric (Fraser)
3. [Dale, Pat] – listed above as co-chair (Youable)
A. Voss, Susie (Family Wise)
Providers with Hennepin County Children’s
Mental Health Contracts
1. Hultman, Melanie
A. Hanson, Amy
2. Yun-Robinson, Triasia
Parent Catalyst Leadership Group (PCLG)
1. Phillips, Krista*
A. Harris, Rachel
Family Service Collaboratives
1. Dahir, Asad*
A. Singh, Neerja
Hennepin County Mental Health Services
1. O-Brien, Meredith
Hennepin County Public Health
1. Daniel, Andria
A. Thell, Meg
Hennepin County LCTS Admin.
1. Long, Monica
A. Benson, Alyssa
Hennepin County DOCCR
1. (OPEN)
Health Plan
2. Jones, Brandon
3. Vitale, Patricia
At Large

Minnesota Association of Children’s Mental Health

Children’s Minnesota, Behavioral Health

Parents At-Large

* Designates Executive Committee Members

CMHC designated voting member seats (21) based on bylaws. Each voting member can identify an alternate member:

1. Minneapolis School District (1)
2. Suburban school districts (1)
3. St. Anthony-New Brighton School District (1)
4. Anoka-Hennepin School District (1)
5. Intermediate School District 287 (1)
6. Hennepin County’s Human Services and Public Health Department (2)
7. Hennepin County Corrections (1)
8. Hennepin County Board or Administration (1)
9. Four parent/guardian representatives with a minimum of two appointed from the Parent Catalyst Leadership Group (4)
10. Providers representing Hennepin County contracted mental health agency (3)
11. Hennepin County Family Service Collaborative (FSC) (1)
12. Health plan (1)
13. At-large representatives (3)

Frequently Attending Guests:

NamePartner EntityEmail
Julie AtellaWilder Research[email protected]
Libby BergmanFamily Enhancement Center[email protected]
Raven BakerPrairieCare[email protected]
Rachel HarrisNorthwest Hennepin Family Service Collaborative[email protected]
Anna VonRuedenFamilyWise [email protected]
Susie VossFamilyWise[email protected]
Cathy RudeHennepin County[email protected]

CMHC Coordination Team:

NamePartner Entity
Laura LaCroix-Dalluhn*
Hennepin County Children’s Mental Health Collaborative
Cheryl Holm-Hansen*Community Research Solutions
Fatima Muhammad
Family Engagement Coordinator (Executive Committee member)

* Designates Executive Committee Members

Other Key Individuals:

NamePartner Entity
Sue Abderholden
NAMI-MN (fiscal sponsor)

Community Partner Meeting Materials


Governance Committee Meeting Materials






Executive Committee Meeting Materials





Ad-Hoc work group

1.     School Based Mental Health Work Group: This ad hoc work group will focus on enhanced services for school-based sites – as well as other tasks that the group sets for the coming year

2.     Education Work Group: This ad hoc work group reviews all scholarship and training requests and develops the criteria for scholarships and training resource requests.

3.     Provider Work Group: This ad hoc work group meets to discuss provider related issues on children’s mental health services and issues in Hennepin County.

Standing Committees

1.     Executive: All members of the Executive Committee are shall also be active voting members of the HCCMHC. Except for the power to amend the Bylaws or removing a member or officer, the Executive Committee shall have all the powers and authority of the Governance Committee in the intervals between meetings of the Governance Committee, subject to the direction and control of the full Governance Committee. Any actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be presented to the Governance Committee for review, at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive Committee shall comply with the provisions of Article 3, including all provisions related to the Open Meeting Law. Additionally, the Executive Committee shall perform the following functions, subject to review of the Governance Committee:

  • Prepare, set priorities and assure the implementation of annual work plan and budget;
  • Provide financial oversight of HCCMHC activities, including review of county financial reports and the HCCMHC budget, and any reports of the financial status of the HCCMHC at regularly scheduled HCCMHC meetings.
  • Parent Catalyst Leadership Group: A parent and caregiver lead advocacy group focused on empowering Hennepin County families to become valued advocates and decision-makers at all levels of the children’s mental health system through education, outreach, and support.
© 2025 Hennepin County Children's Mental Health Collaborative | hccmhc.org